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Passover breakfasts. Ah, almost as daunting as Passover desserts, especially for those who enjoy cereal or toast for the morning meal. Weekday breakfasts are not something I usually want to spend much time on, and I also aim to have those first bites of the workday be relatively nutritious and good for me (that generally excludes matzah which, after a couple of days, I’m ready to start scaling back on anyway). Among quick Passover-friendly (and gluten-free) options like yogurt and fruit, sliced apples or celery sticks with almond butter, or a smoothie, another is putting quinoa to work as a breakfast grain. If you make a big batch of quinoa and keep it in the fridge, you can assemble a quinoa breakfast bowl in minutes. This recipe forms more of a template than anything else; use the add-ins that you have on hand and enjoy the most.

Breakfast Rainbow Quinoa Bowl

Nutty, protein-packed quinoa makes a nutritious, flavorful, and gluten-free stand-in for oatmeal and other cereals. And if you make a big pot of quinoa in advance and store it in the refrigerator to use as needed, it's super easy and almost as fast as instant oatmeal. Toppings of blueberries and toasted almonds along with a tablespoon or two of something creamy (half and half, coconut milk, or yogurt), make it very substantial and filling. The rainbow quinoa looks especially pretty in the bowl, but you can use any kind you like.


  • 1 cup cooked rainbow or red quinoa prepared according to package directions and stored in refrigerator
  • 2 tablespoons half and half coconut milk, or Greek yogurt, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons blueberries or other berries
  • 1 tablespoon sliced almonds lightly toasted
  • Honey or brown sugar to taste optional


  • Place about 3/4-1 cup of cooked quinoa in a bowl. Microwave a minute or two to warm through if quinoa is cold. Pour in a tablespoon or two of half and half, coconut milk, or yogurt. Top with berries and nuts. Add a little honey or sugar if you like it sweeter.


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