Pumpkin Cannoli

“Thanksgivukkah,” this year’s overlap of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, won’t happen again in our lifetimes. So if you enjoy blending traditions, this is a unique opportunity. One friend of mine plans to make my brisket with cranberries and mushrooms (from Meatballs and Matzah Balls) to serve alongside her turkey. Other families’ Read more…

Ramp Risotto

No matter what cuisine you favor, if you love eating local, seasonal food grown with minimal impact on the earth, ramps are for you. The short season for these wild-growing cousins of leeks is right now, and it might be hard to see what all the fuss is about until Read more…

Bialy Pizzas

  Although nothing compares to fresh homemade pizza dough, when people have good bread at the ready, we haven’t hesitated to make it pizza. Pizza pretzels, French bread pizzas, pita pizzas. We love our pizza, and, quite often, we love convenience—pizza done in minutes and on sturdier bread, which can Read more…

Taking Measure

About 10 years ago, my husband and I traveled to Italy. We wanted to take in everything Italian—the culture, art, architecture, scenery, and, of course, food. Upon getting settled in Rome, we headed straight to a quintessential Italian restaurant. Our server approached, and I asked about the restaurant’s specialty. She Read more…